Monday, August 26, 2019

Theory that support obesity in Children Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Theory that support obesity in Children - Essay Example There are varying theories that support obesity, most of which have had empirical research and studies supporting their validity or otherwise. This paper is dedicated to critically analyzing one of these theories. The multidimensional theory of obesity proposed by Perryman, Nielsen and Booth (2008) is the selected theory that supports obesity that is going to be used. As the name of the theory implies, the multidimensional theory of obesity refuses to view obesity as a phenomenon with just one aspect. Rather, it sees obesity as â€Å"multidimensional and involves physical aspects, such as genetics and metabolism, as well as psychological schemas and environmental conditions (Wilkins, Kendrick, Stitt & Hammarlund, 1998). With reference to the present study, the selection of the multidimensional theory is in the fact that at the early ages, children are exposed to as many factors as possible that account for their obesity and its solutions. It is therefore necessary and important to get a theory that matches up with the multi-variant nature of the causes, effects and solutions available for children who may be facing obesity as a health problem. The proposed solution to combating obesity in children is rooted in the need for individualized interventional attention given to obese children. By individualized interventional attention, reference is being made to the need of ensuring that interventions that are suggested do not only address a restricted aspect of obesity in children such as diet but that it looks at a holistic and comprehensive approach to ensuring that the problem is really solved. This is because with such a holistic approach, there is not going to be anyway that the researcher is going to miss the cause of the problem in case the cause is not as singular as may be thought (Golan, Weitzman, Apter and

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